We received our first bill - it was for $4500 for the 2 labs that were ordered. This is NOT the pathology, the 2 surgeries (biopsy and port placement) or the 5 doctors visits (ENT, surgeon x3, oncologist). Well we will chalk that one up to them not having our insurance on file - lets see what the next one says.
I was looking into our health insurance... luckily we have it. It looks like each round of chemo will cost $50,000. This is a rather conservative estimate as well. So with 4 rounds of chemo is $200,000. Plus the two surgeries and another one to remove the port. Plus all the lab work and doctors visits. We are looking at a $350,000 adventure. Wow. I could buy college educations for my kids or a really nice house. Wow.
Well there are some miracles of modern medicine. I would be dead if it weren't for this. Three times probably - when I got sick in college, when I broke my ankle and now.... But really, what would we do without insurance. My family would be poor. I don't even know what we would do. Oh and I had a person in the waiting room today at the doctor tell me that Viagra was covered by his health insurance but not his hearing aids....
Wow. Especially to the last line. Just wow.