Thursday, December 27, 2012

Chemo #6

Blood drawn, I've been stabbed, sterilised, weighed and groped. Having a cup of tea and it's chemo time!

Good news:

1. I've lost a little weight... While on steroids. There is more bloating in my stomach area....but that should go away at the end. My doctor is more happy that I have not lost more.... I am not sure I agree.

2. My oncologist finished a conversation with 'you'll be fine'- a rare moment of hopeful sentiment which many people who have had a lot of interaction with medical professionals is on a par with spotting a pink toucan in the hospital coffee in terms of rareness.

3. The cause of my dead fingertips is not likely perminent neuropathy and should come back... And they don't need to change my dosage.

4. They can feel no lumps at all in my neck - no enlarged lymph nodes

5. There is no bad news, even rarer than the encouraging doc and the pink toucan combined.

A few hours from now I'll be 6 down and home for recovery. Today also makes 4 weeks to my final chemo - magic number 8.

Gotta run and call into the IRB so they will approve my study. 

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