Saturday, October 27, 2012


It has been quite the decision as to what to be for Halloween. I mean I have great scars across my chest (see below) so I could get some kind of knife or something. It is also election season and I am sure I could pull off some kind of something about me breaking out of the binder of women or something.

However, I am going to have chemo on Wednesday... Halloween day... so I am thinking since I am not going to be feeling so well... and I might be kind of grey looking. I am just going to put on a bunch of grey clothes and go as "50 Shades of Gray". Although go is a relative term, what I really mean is sit in my house and know that is what I am. I know you were all wondering. So there it is folks, my lack of enthusiasm and creativity has shown its' self again.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! Not laughing that you have chemo on Halloween of course, just laughing at your post. We'll be driving all day on Halloween. I have a Princess Leia costume for Kaitlyn, but I'm not sure I'll put her through that.
